Confronting Dr. Gundry On Lectins | Inflammation & Leaky Gut


The conversation surrounding dietary trends and health has become increasingly complex, with many voices emerging to advocate for various dietary approaches. Among these voices is Dr. Steven Gundry, a cardiothoracic surgeon who has transitioned from performing surgeries to advocating for a controversial dietary philosophy centered around the concept of lectins. This blog will delve into the claims made by Dr. Gundry regarding lectins, inflammation, and leaky gut, as well as the counterarguments presented by the medical community, particularly those focused on evidence-based nutrition.

Understanding Lectins and Their Role in Diet

Lectins are a type of protein found in many plants, particularly in legumes, grains, and some fruits and vegetables. Dr. Gundry argues that these proteins can be harmful, suggesting that they contribute to inflammation and gut issues. He points to his own experiences and the anecdotal success of patients who have eliminated lectins from their diets as evidence of their harmful effects.

However, the scientific community largely disputes this notion. Many experts argue that lectins, when consumed in moderate amounts and properly prepared (such as through cooking), do not pose a significant risk to health. In fact, foods containing lectins are often rich in essential nutrients and fiber, contributing to overall health.

The Controversy Surrounding Dr. Gundry’s Claims

Dr. Gundry’s assertions have sparked considerable debate, particularly regarding his claim that certain healthy foods are detrimental to health. For instance, he has made headlines with statements like “apples are horrible” and “the worst thing you could do for your mitochondria is a fruit smoothie.” Such sweeping generalizations can mislead individuals into making poor dietary choices.

Critics argue that Dr. Gundry’s perspective overlooks the vast body of research supporting the health benefits of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Numerous studies have shown that diets rich in these foods are associated with lower risks of chronic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. The potential benefits of these foods far outweigh the theoretical risks posed by lectins.

Examining the Evidence: What the Research Shows

When evaluating dietary recommendations, it is essential to consider the quality and quantity of evidence available. The medical community emphasizes the importance of evidence-based nutrition, which synthesizes data from various studies to inform dietary guidelines.

The Lyon Heart Study

One pivotal study referenced in discussions about dietary patterns is the Lyon Heart Study, which investigated the effects of a Mediterranean-style diet on heart disease. Participants in the study who adhered to this diet experienced significant reductions in cardiovascular events. This study highlights the effectiveness of a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats—elements often dismissed by those who focus solely on lectins.

Gut Microbiome and Its Impact on Health

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in overall health, influencing everything from digestion to immune function. A diverse and balanced microbiome is associated with lower rates of inflammation and chronic disease. Dr. Gundry’s focus on lectins may inadvertently detract from the importance of maintaining a healthy microbiome through a varied diet.

Research indicates that diets rich in fiber, including fruits and vegetables, promote a healthy gut microbiome. These foods serve as prebiotics, feeding beneficial gut bacteria and supporting their growth. Conversely, restrictive diets that eliminate entire food groups may hinder microbiome diversity, potentially leading to negative health outcomes.

The Role of Fruits in a Healthy Diet

Fruits are often vilified in discussions about diet, yet they are nutrient-dense foods that provide antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. The fiber in whole fruits contributes to satiety and helps regulate blood sugar levels, making them a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Are Fruits Unhealthy?

Dr. Gundry has claimed that fruits can be harmful due to their sugar content and the presence of lectins. However, the evidence supporting the health benefits of fruits is robust. Studies consistently show that higher fruit consumption correlates with reduced risks of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers.

Moreover, fruits provide essential nutrients that are often lacking in processed foods. The emphasis should be on consuming whole fruits rather than fruit products like juices or dried fruits, which can be high in added sugars and low in fiber.

Understanding Inflammation and Leaky Gut

Leaky gut syndrome has gained attention as a potential factor in various health conditions, including autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation. Dr. Gundry posits that certain diets can alleviate symptoms associated with leaky gut, but the scientific community remains cautious about the concept of leaky gut as a standalone diagnosis.

Is Leaky Gut a Valid Concern?

While increased intestinal permeability is acknowledged in certain conditions, the term “leaky gut” is often used in a way that lacks specificity. The connection between leaky gut and conditions like autoimmune diseases is an area of ongoing research, and more evidence is needed to establish definitive links.

Health professionals emphasize that rather than focusing solely on eliminating specific foods, a holistic approach to nutrition that includes a variety of whole foods is essential for maintaining gut health and overall well-being.

Addressing the Systemic Issues in Health Care

At the core of this discussion is the need to address systemic issues within health care that contribute to poor dietary habits and health outcomes. The standard American diet, characterized by high consumption of ultra-processed foods, poses significant health risks.

Health care providers must advocate for lifestyle changes that prioritize whole foods, regular physical activity, and mental well-being. This approach requires a shift in focus from merely treating symptoms to preventing chronic diseases through education and sustainable dietary choices.

The Importance of Evidence-Based Guidelines

As health professionals, it is crucial to rely on evidence-based guidelines when making dietary recommendations. The American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and other reputable organizations provide dietary recommendations grounded in rigorous scientific research.

These guidelines promote balanced diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. The emphasis on whole foods is not only beneficial for preventing chronic diseases but also supports a healthy gut microbiome and overall well-being.

Conclusion: Finding Common Ground

In the debate surrounding lectins, inflammation, and dietary choices, finding common ground is essential. While Dr. Gundry’s perspectives have sparked valuable discussions about health and nutrition, it is crucial to approach these topics with a critical eye and a commitment to evidence-based practices.

Ultimately, a balanced and varied diet, supported by research and tailored to individual needs, is key to achieving optimal health. As we navigate the complexities of dietary recommendations, let us focus on promoting healthy habits that empower individuals to make informed decisions about their nutrition and well-being.

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** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **

118 thoughts on “Confronting Dr. Gundry On Lectins | Inflammation & Leaky Gut

  1. The question is, who is funding all these quoted studies???? That will answer if the results are trustworthy.

  2. Dr Gundry won this debate. The traditional doctors were desperate to defend the main stream positions.

  3. You’re both warriors for being willing to challenge this man on a public podcast. Even if he isn’t necessarily right, he has a manipulative way of speaking and arguing. His intelligence level is clear, his motivation is not

  4. You two doctors if you were born decades ago… Would be spouting the low fat diet.. I’m sure you know about the american heart association When the studies they begin to push… But now we know he was wrong… Ancel keys… he’s not the only HEART SURGEON pushing a diet like this and info about gut microbiom.

  5. Seems like Gundy has good science and makes a jump that may have a wrong conclusion but is yet to be proven wrong. I’ll roll with Gundy. I like His reason. Dr. Mike seemed unable to see nuance on certain statements like the apple. Clearly, Dr. Mike is against him, but it doesn’t seem like the evidence supports His dislike. Maybe it’s a generational divide. Nuance matters!

  6. If apples are bad cause people “arent eating the right apples” why not instead of defending yourself you just say what apples are the right ones from the start and not look like a hack

  7. Old guy forgot people are animals too and thinks most wouldn’t think a dr is saying candy is healthy by saying himself “its the same as a candy bar”…. like really?is it really?

  8. Geez Dr Gundry is a snake oil salesman. I’m not saying it’s not ok to diversify and try new things but to try and pass his way off as the truth based off of fringe anecdotal examples is dangerous. Also what Dr Huberman does too. Have some humility, Doc.

  9. Easy way to solve debate…pull up your shirts and tell the Fatboy Dr. Gundry to eat more apples and workout more.😅😅😅

  10. This dude is channeling straight up evil. Why would he use his position as an expert in anything, to push the narrative that grapes and Hershey candy bars, have effectively the same nutritional value!?

    What a truly terrible thing to do, especially to an already under-informed and unhealthy general public.

    This is foul. Thank you Dr. Mike.

  11. I’m pigging out on fruit while watching this. Shout out to the folks who developed the cure for hepatitis C. I wish my mom knew she could have just fixed her gut or whatever 🙄 /s no seriously though she got to be cured because of medical science and doctors ♥️

  12. I like that mike is great debating, he knows hot to ask the key queystion to bring up the contradiction

  13. I’m just glad these 3 had the courage to enter a debate, and risk each decenting view diminishing their reputation.

  14. While I don’t agree with Dr Guidry per se this lady is super smug….. look into the damage that statins does and how the medical establishment is pushing them non stop

  15. Not my field, so I struggle to follow the science. Still, I think it’s clear that he’s not a quack. As pointed out, his exaggerating is not as helpful as a more considered approach. But, there are some things he says which are right on the money. No one else is talking about how our fruits and vegetables are garbage compared to the way they used to be, and that fruits have been bred to be saturated with sugar.
    Wht is that information being hidden? I gaurantee most people don’t know this.

  16. Isn’t it funny that you thought Gundry is so much of a Threat that you needed a side kick to gang up on Gundry! 😉 You sound like children

    1. Yes, the children ganging up on the adult in the room. Dr Gundry speaks from real world experience…NOT pharma funded peer reviewed studies that frequently choose medication over nutrition

  17. Thumbs up to Dr. Danielle Belardo and Dr. Mike for the way they have conducted themselves in all this video. 🎉❤️
    The grapes situation was one of the points: The “mind as well”

  18. BWAHAHAHA! She’s VEGAN, LOL! Didn’t you already GUESS she is, LOL! Sickly physically… but mentally too, LOL! Now it all falls into place!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  19. BEWARE these young “Doctors”, people! They are hacks, programmed to no end, They mouth off for the pharmaceutical corporation, everything they spew is what the pharma has DICTATED that they spew. They will hurt you to keep their licenses! START learning what the true meaning of HEALTH really is! Tick Tock!

  20. She is full of it. She mentioned people in blue zones with great health habits, no stress blah blah… but they smoke? She’s a nut

  21. There is no need for “randomized anything trial. it’s all hogwash. All that needs to be done is to study the real background and origin of the FOOD, and find out it’s all HYBRID. Then you KNOW why the food mangles the workings of the Natural human body.

  22. Dr Mike fails to understand the common denominator. I know quite a few smokers who live a long time and others that are sick as dogs. People can’t be treated the same in every aspect. This has always been a doctors’ failing.

    1. Anecdotes are not evidence. Yes, it’s possible for smokers to live a long life… but that doesn’t mean smoking is good for you. On average, smokers live much shorter and worse lives

  23. You health is your responsability. And if you put that responsability in somebody else hands,remember, you will always be the one suffering the consequence, not the other person.

    Do your homework. Read the studys. Make your mind about it.

    You can use Google scholar to find studys. It will help you get the response.

  24. lol, Loma Linda is predominately an Adventist Community that eats nuts and grains, fruits vegetables and legumes. Wow….. I do not trust this guy.

  25. The thing is fruits and vegetables has been modified !!! Maybe that’s why he says some of this fruits are just as bad as processed food….

  26. I always snored until the good doctor talked about nightshades . I eliminated them and my snoring stopped. when i eat one of those night shades I immediately start snoring that night. Thats all the evidence i needed

  27. So, Dr. Gundry does have published papers…. But! They’re all on ResearchGate which has no peer-review or editorial board whatsoever. It’s an online academic hub where people can publish whatever they want and use the site like social media but for academics.

    On Google Scholar, you can’t find any of his research papers because they aren’t officially published because no journal will actually publish his stuff. Hence why it’s in books – you can get away with pretty much anything in books because it’s for public consumption. But on Google Scholar, you can find commentaries from other academics about Gundry’s books and how they are basically bogus.

    The guy is a rogue academic at best. He’s not even a PhD, he’s an MD. Fraud, end of story.

  28. There’s something about Mike’s face that makes me so embarassed for Gundry. The entire time, mike has a “oh that’s interesting” face because 90% of what gundry said was too wrong or hypocritical of his own previous claims to even comprehend💀

  29. Dr Grundi hangs on his self made narrative. Other influence acknowledge when they are wrong. But just keep repeating his outdated manthra

  30. Cardiology guidelines need to be questioned, as well as, many of these peer reviewed studies! Many of these studies are funded by BIG pharmaceutical companies.

  31. I’m not saying this guy is correct but at some point if modern science and medicine has it so right…why is everyone so sick

  32. I once had a doctor tell me that sharing a razor with someone does not transmit diseases, i immediately dropped them after that, after all, what else could they be dangerously wrong about that i DONT know. Quacks like this are dangerous.

  33. Why does Dr. Gundry keep using nicotinic acid to help his argument about smoking? Nicotine and nicotinic acid are two different things. The latter is not even in tobacco, but rather in nuts, grains, legumes.

  34. why do i feel this guy has a godcomplex? maybe an orthopedist who also has stock in hershy can treat it

  35. Some people will always seek out contrarians and miracle cures. He’s clearly enough of a POS to enjoy taking advantage of that fact… Just like every con artist.

  36. I’m confused because whenever I go to the grocery store there is fruit, year round, no matter the day, no matter the season.

  37. all I’m saying, Dr. mike, is that if your patients read a book that said apples aren’t that good anymore, dont eat an apple and your patient takes that information and eats a Hershey bar instead. I don’t know what to tell you-you’re screwed.

  38. all I’m saying, Dr. mike, is that if your patients read a book that said apples aren’t that good anymore, dont eat an apple and your patient takes that information and eats a Hershey bar instead. I don’t know what to tell you-you’re screwed.

  39. I watched this whole video. I’m sure Dr. Mike you’re an incredible doctor, and whoever goes sees Dr. Grundy thinks he’s an incredible doctor. But it is not Dr. Grundy‘s fault that if you tell a patient that the apples today are not like the apples we used to eat and there is minimal health benefit to them-but your patients take that to eat a HERSHEY BAR, that is not Dr. Grundy’s fault and I think your patients are lying to you Dr Mike. Your patients are using that as an excuse to eat a Hershey bar.
    Perhaps you can’t save everyone if that’s what one of your patients got from you shouldn’t eat an apple.

  40. I watched this whole video. I’m sure Dr. Mike you’re an incredible doctor, and whoever goes sees Dr. Grundy thinks he’s an incredible doctor. But it is not Dr. Grundy‘s fault that if you tell a patient that the apples today are not like the apples we used to eat and there is minimal health benefit to them-but your patients take that to eat a HERSHEY BAR, that is not Dr. Grundy’s fault and I think your patients are lying to you Dr. mike. Your patients are using that as an excuse to eat a Hershey bar.

  41. She keeps mentioning cohort data but can not reference one of her own patients who had a positive outcome, except the one who got his levels in check by going on a cocaine binge, 😂. Dr. Gundry is sitting there nodding because he knows she is not wrong from a scientific perspective but when it come to real world applications, he’s seen what works and what doesn’t. The fact that he has a successful practice when he doesn’t even need the money means that people are seeing valuable results from his treatment. Dr. Mike, on the other hand, is just trying to mitigate the consequences of ignorant people who read Gundrys books and use them as an excuse to validate their bad habits. Or possibly to invalidate Dr. Mikes treatment, which doesn’t make sense to their preferred lifestyle.

    1. I would like to thank Dr. Mike for giving us this informative and entertaining 👏 content.

  42. Doctor Gundry is a seasoned veteran in the medical profession, and he’s been around the block enough times to know that these randomized control trials can’t be applied ubiquitously. Dr. Mike and the other cardiologist are barely out of kindergarten from a first-hand experience standpoint. Meaning they haven’t developed as much intuitive potential as Dr. Gundry so they don’t feel as comfortable deviating off the script they were taught at med school.

    1. Also, didnt the NIH tell us that mask mandates were effective? 🤔 How reliable are their recommendations?

  43. Dr. Mike, the analogy you’re giving to Dr. Gundry is the same as you saying kibble is great for all dogs and cats. When in fact kibble is the worst thing you could feed dogs and cats and it’s been proven and disease goes away when you go to raw natural food.

  44. Dr. Mike, I might suggest that you’re looking at the Band-Aid approach through medicine. Where is Dr. Gundry is looking at the cars and trying to find out the cause to correct the problem that’s why he believes that sickness can be eliminated primarily through all these different facets of diet that are still unknown, but the Band-Aid approachis not necessarily the correct way it may help a patient immediately but it’s not a solution to the cause

    1. Yeah head over to dr gundry website and look at the products his selling and the price . 250m of olive oil l for 50 bucks. And ppl say big pharma is where the money at

  45. Dr. Mike, I again highly suggest you look closely into the revolution that’s taken place in pet nutrition studied worldwide because it has so much ramification on human medicine and diet and all these issues are critical and that’s where Dr. Gundry I think is coming up with his anti-Lechon approachand polyphenol requirements, etc. but again the pet nutrition revolution has a lot of solutions that I think might work for humans😊

  46. Dr. Mike, I was watching your video with Dr. Gundry and the only thing I can say is I’ve done a lot of research on pet nutrition, particularly for dogs and some of the leading physicians in the world and research people have address these issues within pets similar to what Dr. Gundry is suggesting that diet is more the solution than a biologic medical prescription. I would suggest you look at Dr. Connor Brady has one exampleor Judy Morgan has two doctors that may give you some insight into this very interesting topic😊

  47. General Public Health advice should be grounded in solid, peer-reviewed research.
    – EAT-Lancet commission | Dean Ornish | Jason Fung

  48. All dr Grundy does is laugh and disregard what you two are saying while having a smirk on his face and laughing, it’s so infuriating!

  49. The woman is so annoying, she can”t say anything without referring to guidelines or institutions, when we know that the state of the health care system based on them

    1. Nah it’ based on your own personal choice and lifestyle.its your fault that you end up to need to rely on healthcare

  50. They didn’t listen to him about fruit at all. Would Dr. Mike really want patients to over consume fructose, glucose, and sucrose? What happens in the body when a person consumes all that sugar? For example, eating too much fructose, i.e. apples, can overwork the liver leading to insulin resistance and fatty liver disease. Of course eating a moderate number of apples is better than eating Subway or McDonalds, but you have to be nuanced in your thinking. It isn’t an either/or proposition: Big Macs or apples. It is providing a nuanced view on fruit. Come on Dr. Mike.

  51. Dr. Mike, why so aggressive towards Dr. Gundry during the interview? You appeared dismissive right from the start and brought on Dr. Belardo on the show just to contradict Dr Gundry.

  52. Just came across this video today. First…fascinating and keeping an open mind. But the look on Doctor Mike’s face when Dr. Gundry is explaining benefits of nicotine is priceless.

  53. I bet the blue zone smokers don’t smoke the same chemical laden cigarettes in the “developed” world. Chemicals count🎉

  54. This Dr. Gundry is quite interesting. I have a ton of respect for him… not sure if I would follow any/all his advice, but I certainly respect him.

  55. I just want to point out something I hope all of you who watched this saw how Dr Grundy interrupted Dr Belardo in a VERY demeaning way. I can promise all of you that he would not do the same to a male doctor. Dr Mike also had hang-ups while talking, and Dr. Grundy did not interupt one single time, but instead waited him out every time and listened carefully. Dr. Grundy had a significant misogynistic demeanor against Dr. Belardo. I would have wished that Dr. Mike would have taken charge of the course of action right then and there since he is the leader of the podcase and as an extension also the entire conversation. Dr. Belardo was completely ignored by both Dr. Mike (who I have true respect for) and Dr. Grundy, and the way she was treated should have been aknowledged, and she should have been given an uninterrupted chance to make her statement regarding disagreeing with Dr. Grundy. Because of this, I would urge Dr. Mike to be more vigilant when inviting male and female doctors in a simultaneous conversation (especially when the other male is from an older generation which are more prone to treating women as less competent). It is STILL a well known fact that females are not given the equal opportunitys to speak their opinions when in company of a male and so much so in the company of two males. I truly believe that if Dr. Mike had been vigilant about the situation that I have mentioned here about how Dr. Belardo was shut down, he can be a male doctor showing equal attention for both males and females to state their case. It often goes by unrecognized, and it’s SO important that good male doctors keeps that in mind. I would love for him to invite Dr Belardo to a conversation where she is given the time and respect to make her statement regarding the research she was totally shut down from responding to.

  56. This guy know what is true he just wants to show his own method, most people are not Usain Bolt trying to decrease a second in lap time but fat guys learning that walking is good!! No use telling me walking won’t improve my lap times!! 🤦‍♂️😑

  57. Absolutely fascinating discussion with the young doctor and the other cardiologist wedded to the ‘guidelines’ and the established system that perpetuates symptomatic foci on medical interventions I.e pharmaceutical company driven pill consumption. The focus on eliminating intake of gas preserved non-seasonal fruit was dismissed as being something the average American couldn’t either come to grips with based on an extrapolation to a Hershey bar being just as good. It is almost shock journalism to state that Grundy us claiming to be a prophet when he is obviously dedicated, as is no doubt Drs Mike and Ballardo (excuse any surname spelling error), to the eradication of dis-ease (hyphenation intentional), and the gut biome is a hugely significant component of our systemic health…we, the patients, come looking for ultimately co-facilitated answers to our health issues and perhaps unbeknownst to the majority we want our health practitioner to enaɓle our self-directed health enabling capacity towards leading our gealth versus managing illness.

  58. The amount of self control displayed in this interview is truly admirable. I don’t know how I would react to someone like this. Especially if I had dedicated my life’s work to legitimate, supported study on the topic

  59. Oh my Lord. I cannot with this Dr.Gundry character. Im pretty sure this man has given me an aneurysm in the last hour 🙄 i cant

    This is why you cannot trust all Doctors, just because they have the Dr. Title because look at this man 😤 ugh

  60. I don’t smoke, don’t do alcohol or drugs and I eat vegan. But to be fair, my grandpa is a heavy smoker and drinks too much alcohol, is living quite long (77yo) and defeated cancer a few times already and I’m not being sarcastic.

    1. Doing those things increases your risk ,it is not set it stone that you will died of those diseases for doing that.Likewise doing healthy stuff doesn’t mean u will not get cancer

    2. @@leeheemeng3799 yea im aware. But for some reason some people that drink and smoke a lot tend to live long. But I know it’s not a reason for us to don’t be healthy, just a curiosity.

  61. Oh good, then in order for me to be healthier I am gonna get me a pack of cigarettes right now 🚬
    He doesn’t mention how many chemicals are in them. Maybe they wouldn’t be as harmful if it was only tobacco? Besides smoking, what is their diet like? Maybe, if they are eating right, that is why they are not suffering side effects. This guy makes no sense. Maybe if he finished a thought, or maybe he is?

  62. In the States, most whole foods are not seasonal. We can get them year round. This Gundry guy makes no sense 😐

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