Weight loss can be a challenging journey, especially for those with a slow metabolism and a penchant for sugary snacks. Understanding your body type and how it responds to different dietary strategies is crucial for effective weight management. This comprehensive guide will explore various body types, the role of intermittent fasting, and practical tips for losing weight while still enjoying your favorite treats.

Understanding Body Types

There are three primary body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Each has unique characteristics that influence how they gain or lose weight. By understanding your body type, you can tailor your eating habits to achieve better results.


Ectomorphs are typically characterized by a slim build and a fast metabolism. They often find it difficult to gain weight, even with high-calorie diets. Celebrities like Lala Milan exemplify this body type. While they can eat a variety of foods without gaining weight, ectomorphs may struggle to develop muscle mass and curves.

  • Dietary Recommendations: Ectomorphs should focus on high good fats, high protein, and moderate to high carbs to maintain their weight and build muscle.


Mesomorphs possess a naturally muscular physique, which allows them to gain and lose weight relatively easily. Well-known figures like Viola Davis and Selena Gomez fit this category. Their body composition makes them more resilient to weight fluctuations.

  • Dietary Recommendations: A diet rich in high fats, high protein, and low to moderate carbs is ideal for mesomorphs.


Endomorphs, which include individuals with a pear-shaped or apple-shaped body type, often struggle with weight loss. They tend to gain weight easily, especially in the lower body. Celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Rebel Wilson are examples of this body type. However, with the right strategies, endomorphs can successfully lose weight.

  • Dietary Recommendations: Endomorphs should focus on a low-carb diet, high in healthy fats and moderate in protein, to maintain a healthy weight.

Strategies for Weight Loss

For endomorphs, the journey to weight loss may feel daunting, but it is achievable with the right approach. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

Your BMR is the number of calories your body expends at rest. Understanding this figure is crucial for creating a caloric deficit, which is essential for weight loss. Aim to consume fewer calories than your BMR to encourage your body to utilize fat stores for energy.

Adjust Your Carbohydrate Intake

The standard American diet often includes over 200 grams of carbohydrates daily. For effective weight loss, aim to reduce your intake to between 50 and 100 grams of carbs. This reduction can help prevent weight gain and promote fat loss.

While it’s beneficial to track your calorie intake initially, you may not need to do so indefinitely. Many individuals find success in lowering their carb intake without constantly counting calories.

Incorporate Exercise

While nutrition plays a significant role in weight loss, exercise is also important for overall health and to accelerate results. Initially, focusing on nutrition may be enough, but incorporating physical activity will enhance your efforts.

  • Recommended Exercise: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is particularly effective. This involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods. HIIT workouts can be completed in 15 to 20 minutes and can boost your metabolism for hours after your workout.

The Power of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool for weight loss, especially for those struggling with a slow metabolism and sugar cravings. This approach involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, allowing your body to shift its metabolic processes.

Understanding Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting typically involves fasting for 16 hours and eating during an 8-hour window. Some individuals may choose more extreme methods, such as eating one meal a day (OMAD) or alternate day fasting.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

  • Promotes fat burning: When fasting for over 12 hours, insulin levels drop, allowing your body to utilize fat stores for energy.
  • Supports ketone production: Fasting encourages the body to produce ketones, which are a byproduct of fat metabolism.
  • Reduces excess skin: Rapid weight loss through fasting may minimize excess skin compared to traditional dieting methods.

Implementing Intermittent Fasting

As a beginner, aim for a 16:8 fasting-eating ratio. For example, if you eat your last meal at 8 PM, your next meal would be at noon the following day. This method is manageable, as much of the fasting period occurs overnight.

It’s a common misconception that you shouldn’t eat late at night. As long as you maintain a long fasting stretch afterward, eating later in the evening is perfectly fine.

Maintaining Your Weight Loss

Once you’ve achieved your weight loss goals, maintaining it is crucial. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

Continue Monitoring Your Carbs

Even after reaching your goal weight, maintaining a lower carbohydrate intake can help prevent weight regain. Focus on consuming healthy fats and proteins to keep your metabolism active.

Stay Active

Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine will help you maintain your weight loss. Whether through HIIT workouts or other forms of exercise, staying active is essential for long-term success.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how your body responds to different foods and eating patterns. Adjust your diet and exercise routines as needed to find what works best for you.


Losing weight with a slow metabolism and sugar cravings is entirely possible with the right strategies. By understanding your body type, adjusting your diet, incorporating exercise, and utilizing intermittent fasting, you can achieve your weight loss goals. Remember, the journey may have its challenges, but with determination and the right approach, you can succeed.

For more tips and support, feel free to reach out on social media or explore additional resources on weight loss. Your journey is unique, and every step you take brings you closer to your goals.

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Check out my other weight loss videos:

How to really Shrink Your Waist

How to lose 20 lbs in 30 days

How I lost 70 lbs with intermittent fasting


  1. my issue is I only put on fat from the waist up; never in the womanly places 🥲 I’m a mix between apple shape and inverted triangle :'( so I gain weight easily and mostly in the stomach and breasts

  2. You remind me of You Tube Content Creator Mercy Gono, Thanks for Populating my feed, I’m subscribed!❤😂

  3. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE! 😀 I am so educated on fasting, but NOBODY SPOKE OF BMR!!!! That is the missing link! THANK YOU SO MUCH♡♡♡ You’re so concise! A great educator!

  4. Wow i love sistas are ectomorphs.
    Thats my preference in a woman they look the most feminine and girly girls.

  5. Im a black man.
    I been lazy for like 20 years and got a belly. Ie dad bod.

    But i still have alot of muscle mass. My female trainer was like wow you still 90% muscle mass. My body fat is too high….

    But if i suck in my stomach you can see a 4 pack. Lol

  6. Did you have surgery for your stomach? Wondering how to not have extra skin after weight loss.

    1. Hello. No Weightloss surgery or abdominoplasty/ tummy tuck. There are scars to the abdomen after such procedures and as seen in my videos, I have none. I lost weight utilizing intermittent fasting and did not have the loose skin most people have after losing significant weight. I later found out that intermittent fasting is what most likely attributed to this. Autophagy occurs with fasting. During autophagy, older, damaged cells are consumed and recycled for energy and are replaced by newer, healthier cells. This helps with your both tightening loose skin and preventing wrinkles. So if your in a Weightloss journey , please incorporate some for of fasting. Hope that helps. Thank you for watching ❤️

  7. I have started 10 day smoothie diet first 10 days to detox & then intermittent faxting after the ten days

  8. This is the best video I have seen on dieting– I say that because you presented it in a manner I can understand–Thank God for you!!!

  9. Very well done Ianna. A lot of great information. I I.F. and can confirm that you know what you are talking about. Especially the point about HITT during the height of your daily fast 👏🏾!!!! That was a golden nugget of info for sure.

    1. Hello. Thank you for watching! Yes. Absolutely. Water does not break your fast. So i drink ALOT of water all day long 😆

  10. I am 220 lb and I have to come down I’ve never been this big in my life my natural body weight is 140 lb I really have to try again to dump 80 lb

  11. I love this video I love you advice I did intermittent fasting during covid I lost a lot of weight I also stopped eating meat I have to get back on this diet because when I came off I literally gained 70 lb

  12. Thank you so much for this video it was helpful. I find myself now trying to be OK with feeling that strong hunger or ache in my stomach just before lunchtime

  13. I used to be the ectomorph. That is until I had gotten thyroid cancer and had it removed. Now I’m a steaming 🍐 endomorph

    1. Try iodine.
      Dr Berry has videos on iodine in the diet that can help.
      Sometimes iodine deficiency can look like bad thyroid. And blood tests won’t show iodine as low.

  14. Yesss I hope it helps cuz I fast dnt doesn’t look like it😂 I had 4 babies gained a lot max 5’5 240 🥴 I loose 20 I gain it back I loose 15 i gain it back 😢 lol

  15. Intermittent fasting is HARD not at all super easy. Especially starting out never could go 16 hrs is there any other suggestions also many people don’t work banker hours

    1. Start with just skipping breakfast. Drink a big glass of water.
      Once I eat, then I’m hungry again sooner.
      Drink water and a sprinkle of good salt.
      It’s a process.
      If skipping lunch or your evening meal is easier than start with that.
      It’s easiest to ‘fast’ using your sleep time as part of fasting.
      I also find eliminating breads/ carbs help. Those make me sleepy and more hungry.
      If skipping every day is hard, then even one day of skipping a week is a start!!
      Just increase the time between meals as you’re able!
      I find I have more energy and sleep better when I eat fewer times.
      Also make sure you get vitamins like b, d, k, magnesium and such to keep your mood stable!

    2. @@j2muw667 thanks but I dont have that “regular life”. Most times my
      day begins at 7pm. I wake up a few
      hours before that sometimes.
      I work all night 2-4 nights a week then sleep as a nap run around then sleep jetlagged then have to be at work at 8 am. I want my free hotel breakfast! When I can get to eat

    3. Aka I dont have a set schedule. Im up all might several nights a week. Jetlagged half the week and early to work several times a week

  16. I’m the same weight 208 and plan on getting down to yours 140, thank for posting. This is great motivation for me!

  17. Hi how are you so shameless you not wearing your clothes it is a major sin Modesty is a branch of my our religion

    1. Hello! Sorry you found this offensive. In my culture and religion, wearing swimsuits at the beach (or going to the beach while on vacation) is perfectly acceptable. Honestly, This is actually quite “modesty” for where I live. I did post the swimsuit on the thumbnail so those who do not approve can choose not to watch.

      Thank you for watching.

    2. How can you tell someone what to wear?? If you don’t want to wear it fine then move on. Stop being so judgmental. The whole world doesn’t practice the same religion that you do. If this offends you then click on to the next video.

  18. I’m muslim and Ramadan is upon us. Normally I don’t check how much weight I lose if any but this year I decided to do so. In the beginning of Ramadan I was 185lbs and it’s been two weeks so far and I’m 177lbs. So within two weeks I lost 8 pounds. We fast for an average of 14 hours a day. I also dropped my calorie intake and I’m happy with the results. Fasting definitely works and you get used to it.

    1. It more than likely water weight it normally comes back after fasting is over unless you adopt eating in habits that will support my the weight loss

    2. @@lisasdubois-writeinyourfac6206 many people are already eating healthy and if theyre fasting, its not always water weight they’re losing. You can actually fast and lose weight when you’re eating right

  19. Last year I was so fed up with my belly fat, I was 58yo, post menopausal and tired of not being able to lose weight the way I use to when I was younger. I researched keto and intermittent fasting, which I followed very closely and lost 30lbs in 2 months, a year later I’ve only gained back a couple of pounds, but I feel so much better getting all weight off my gut. So I 100% agree with you, intermittent fasting is key.

    1. Hi! Im on the same boat. On top of that I fractured my knee. So I’m not able to do any jumping, running or kneeling. I was already at 197 and now I’m at 204😪. If you don’t mind sharing what did you do (eat, drink) to lose the weight? Thank you!!!

    2. @@justb5132 It’s not easy when we get older that’s for sure. You sound very much like my sister whose struggling with her weight right around those scale numbers as yours and I’ll tell you what I told her and what I did to get the weight off, first off you HAVE to get the sugar out of your diet, lower your carb intake to under 20grams/day ( you absolutely have to read labels especially when your grocery shopping). Go to Dr. Berg’s videos and watch his videos on keto diet and intermittent fasting, that’s what I did to understand how those two things working together can really make a huge difference. It takes discipline and consistency, don’t give up and you should get there. Good luck!

    3. ​@@ItsBrittany. She just told you in the same paragraph you read she lost 30 lbs in 2 months in LOL

    4. @@justb5132 Sorry about the knee, I’m sure it makes any kind of exercise difficult. My advice would be this, look up what a keto diet allows, you can find all the proteins like fish, meats, chicken and low carb veggies, it’s all about your carb intake, sugar intake, watch your portions, increase your water intake, no snacking, make your last meal before 7pm then fast till morning, you’ll see the pounds fly off. And don’t get discouraged, it takes time to lose weight that took us years to put on. Good lock.😉

  20. Great video and congratulations on your weight loss, you look amazing! Can’t believe you’re 40 years old. You’re so pretty and look like you’re barely 30.

    I’m at my highest weight ever, so I’m hoping I can make some changes you’ve suggested to lose the weight as I’m an Endomorph too.

    I’ve lost weight a few times before but I’m not as young anymore so it’s definitely much tougher.

  21. 🙌🏻 love the simplicity of your explanation of everything, you make it easy to understand.
    Not overkill of information .

  22. This really works! Fast all night through 11-12 the next day. Exercised 3 day a week for 30min. Weight begins to fall off.

    1. Lmaooooo 😂😂 Maybe you didn’t notice some of my WEIGHTLOSS video are from 3 years ago. (Pre ozempic craze era) Maybe you also didn’t notice that I have maintained that WEIGHTLOSS all this time. Check out my vlogs….Where I record myself in gym. You can literally see my body change in my videos.
      Please, in the future …. Fact check before you leave comments that make you look foolish.
      Thanks for watching.

  23. I was the very thin type skinny legs but large breast like Tyra Campbell & hated being bony. I was always a foodie so I overate and finally started gaining weight. Now I am apple shaped top heavy. I have been eating more veggies & doing squats to build muscle in my legs & lose my belly.

  24. What types of bras you recommend? Or did IMF also reduce your vreast size? It didnt do that for me when i did it some years ago. I need help.

  25. Kim Kardashian is definitely not a endomorph. Every bit of weight she has in her rear is surgically enhanced. Endomorph like myself have large bones and are naturally thick and put on muscle and weight very easily. The single most important thing you can do is lift heavy weights, rven women. Dont worry you wont look like a man. It takes a decade and steroids for those female body builders to look like that. And you dont have to lift upper body. Lift lower body only if you want. What are most men attracted to anyway. The derriere. The leg muscles are the largest muscles in your body. If you build muscle you will increase your resting metabolic rate thereby increa8ng how many daiky calories you burn. If you do cardio only you will make you make muscles smaller so then when you stop exercising when life happens you will get even bigger than yiu were before at an even quicker rate. I am nit tell8ng you nothing i didnt experience for myself. LIFT WEIGHTS. Do your research and you will se i am correct. Intermittent fasting also is great.

    1. 😭😭😭 The first part of your post had me literally laughing out loud. According to Kim … she’s all natural 😩😂. You 100% right! I started incorporating weight training and I absolutely love it. My body looks so much better and I feel stronger. Almost 40 and I have so much more energy. Thanks so much for you post ❤️

    1. Hello!! You got this sis!! Don’t give up. It’s just a matter of knowing where to start…Small adjustments as you go.
      Thanks so much for watching ❤️

  26. Been doing circadian rhythm intermittent fasting to begin fasting. Been vegetarian for two months. Taking it slow. ❤

  27. 2nd shift workers, 5-1, 6-2, 8-4, 9-5. Can easily do this. Meal prep. Take lunch to work eat first at 11am. And eat and make sure u full for dinner by 6:30-7pm. Walk the food off for 10min and take your azz to bed!

  28. Never even knew there were soooooooo many different body types. I’m definitely an ENDOMORPH. I really love the way you explained everything.

    1. I’m a Mesomorph body type but I was never in sports I’m muscular like I’ve ran track I have buff arms and legs for idk what reason I don’t work out but I gained a lot of weight so I’m muscular fat 😢 😅

    1. Hello. Type in “free bmr calculator” in google search. It’s a calculation that uses your height weight gender and age.

  29. The funny thing is that some pear shaped endomorph do well with some added fruits and vegetables while others do well on only carnivore diet and is due to blood type I recommend reading it if you’re really stuck DNA plays a key role I’ve been the same weight for a long time and I used to be fat before now I’m not down not up just syable but with high energy

  30. I’m endomorph pear shaped I only notice I gain weight when eating vegetables any type of carbs wether healthy or processed my estrogen go up carnivore is a way to go for me I’m pear shaped so I don’t have alot of the apple shape issues but to lower insulin issues walking is the way to go

  31. My problem is I loose weight fast from my hips down but its super hard for my top half. Any suggestions? My belly is even harder. I have alot of health issues so exercise is hard. Any suggestions will be helpful. Thanks

  32. I did alternative day fasting for 2 months I’ve also done the 16 hour fasting in 8-hour window and like I said before my weight just stayed the same I’ve been exercised doing weight weightlifting in about maybe 15 minutes of cardio and my weight just stayed the same I’m at menopause stage and as far as the alternate day fasting. I got tired of waiting to eat the next day and started eating everyday and I’m an endomorph

    1. We can do this, I am on my journey too after a brain injury and now fear of returning to the gym. I was 30 lbs from my goal pre-injury, now 60-75 from my weight loss goals.

  33. Very encouraging. I recently tried intermittent fasting and for the first time in over 5 years I am losing weight. I started to get a little discouraged, but seeing your results through consistently encourages me to continue to reach my goals. I like how you made it simple and practical.

  34. Sounds like your calorie count went way down when switched to OMAD if it was just 1 normal meal. How do you stop your body from adjusting down to a lower metabolic rate?

  35. I need to know why my weight fluctuates so much every day, I’m talking about increasingly gaining water weight over the course of 3 days.

    1. I understand u 🙂I really get u…I have the same problem…yesterday I was thin and I ate like 4 pieces of cake and other snacks and today I’m already fat:/ I hate my life 💀the funny thing is that I literally skipped supper and I still gained so much weight

  36. Very good information. Thank you for sharing. Please continue to send out weight loss information. I’m want to start my journey but it’s so hard.

    1. Hello! Thank you for watching. I definitely will continue sharing info on weight loss. I know the struggle!! It’s so hard to start and even harder to stick with it. I am actually editing a video to upload on weight loss and staying motivated right now. It’s coming soon! I also want to start posting my workouts so we can all get fit together!

    1. Hello. Yes you can have coffee as long as it’s black or with artificial zero calorie sweeteners. No milk or creamer 😞 thanks for watching 💕

    2. Green tea with lemon will help you lose weight Herbal tea is the best for weight loss

  37. You skin and results are amazing. What does your 1st meal look like breaking your fast? what does your OMAD consist of? I just started the keto diet and intermittent fasting. I too am 215 and 5’3″ apple shaped. Thanks for the wonderful tips.

    1. Thanks for watching 💕 when I do OMAD (one meal a day) I usually eat a salad. Protein avocado cheese with olive oil or vinaigrette dressing. If I’m craving something sweet… I throw in some strawberries or mango. I usually eat at 2pm because for me thats when I get hungry and I will feel full for the rest of the day if I eat at that time. If you can do OMAD that weight will literally fall right off!!! Reach out with any questions 💕

      I also do black coffee in the morning to help wake me up. Lol this doesn’t break you fast.

  38. Ianna, oh my, I thank you sooo much for this video!!! I am the endomorph, thunder thighs and all. Your before is me now, so I’m going to try Intetmittent Fasting. I wanted to know how do I know when I have reached 50–100 carbs? Thank you for showing me your before because it is me now and shows me if you did it I can too. Thank you, thank you 🕺🤸‍♀️💕

    1. Hello!! Thanks for watching 💕 you definitely can do this and intermittent fasting is the way! Reading the label of everything you eat is the best way to keep up with your calories and carbs. You have to add them all up and do not exceed 100. Once you do it for a while you’ll come to remember/know the carb amount without have to look them up. Fruits and veggies you will have to google the carbs because they usually don’t come with nutrition facts/ label. Reach out with any questions. Best of luck on your journey

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